Selected Scientific Seminars
- EPFL, Institute of Mechanical Engineering, «Coupling transportation and energy systems: How humans can shape infrastructure needs», Lausanne, Switzerland, 02/2025
- EPFL, Institute of Electrical and Micro Engineering, «Combining energy storage with demand-side management: How to leverage electric vehicle batteries», Lausanne, Switzerland, 02/2025
- University of Cologne, Institute of Energy Economics, «The potential of the energy demand-side: Leveraging technology adoption to reduce infrastructure needs», Cologne, Germany, 12/2024
- Technical University of Munich, TUM Heilbronn Data Science Center, «Integrating transportation and energy systems: Harnessing synergies for decarbonization», Heilbronn, Germany, 12/2024
- Yale University, School of the Environment, «Drivers for heat pump adoption in the US - An empirical analysis with longitudinal data», Online, 12/2023
- Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Transport Seminar, «Leveraging the heterogeneous flexibility of electric vehicle charging», Online, 11/2023
- Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Energy Policy Seminar, «Electrification of transport: Uncovering the pivotal role of user behavior», Cambridge, MA, US, 11/2023
Media coverage: Harvard Kennedy School
- Harvard University, John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard-China Project on Energy, Economy and Environment, «Unlocking the flexibility of electric vehicle charging: Combining plug-in behavior, control strategies, and incentives», Cambridge, MA, US, 10/2023
Media coverage: The Harvard Crimson
- Harvard University, Harvard Energy Journal Club, «Freezing Carbon Emissions: The Path to Mainstream Heat Pump Adoption», Cambridge, MA, US, 03/2023
- Columbia University, Urban Systems Engineering Lab, «Mobilizing flexibility from electrification: The potential of electric vehicles as battery storage», New York, NY, US, 02/2023
- Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Cross-cutting division electric mobility, «Mobilizing flexibility from electric vehicle integration», Karlsruhe, Germany, 12/2022
- University of Geneva, Renewable Energy Systems Group, «Cross-sectoral integration of low-carbon technologies: mobilizing flexibility from personal vehicle electrification», Geneva, Switzerland, 11/2022
- MIT, Senseable City Lab, «Decarbonizing transport and buildings: Coupling both sectors through electrification», Cambridge, MA, US, 10/2022
- PIK (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), Climate and Energy Policy Group, «Demand-side solutions to integrate low-carbon technologies into the electricity system», Online, 10/2022
- MIT Energy Initiative, «Electrification of transport and heating: insights on demand-side flexibility», Cambridge, MA, US, 10/2022
- MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS), Trancik Lab, «Sector coupling in the energy transition: System integration of demand-side flexibility technologies», Cambridge, MA, US, 05/2022
- ETH Zurich Energy Science Center, Frontiers in Energy Research, «Sector coupling: How to integrate electric vehicles in a grid-friendly way?», Online, 05/2021
Industry and Policy Conferences
- Association of the Swiss electric power industry (VSE), Network Management Commission, «Flexible integration of electric vehicles into distribution networks», Aarau, Switzerland, 12/2022
- Association of the Swiss electric power industry (VSE), Industry conference on electric mobility, «How to achieve grid-friendly charging behavior?», Baden, Switzerland, 11/2022
- ETH Zurich Podcast, «Are electric cars better than petrol cars?», Zurich, Switzerland, 07/2022
- Switzerland Innovation Park Central, Building Excellence TechOutlook 2022, Independent platform to connect science, industry, and policy to foster innovations in the built environment, «Sector coupling: How to use electric vehicles as mobile storage?», Online, 03/2022
- Innovation Forum Mobility, 2-day conference to provide independent platform for Swiss decision-makers in policy and industry to exchange recent insights for the transport transition, «Potential and challenges of different Vehicle-to-X applications», Rueschlikon, Switzerland, 09/2021
- Cenex: Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and Fuel Cell Technologies, Not-for-profit research technology organization, «Vehicle-to-X technology: advances and challenges», Online, 06/2021